Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Michael Jackson Tribute Mani

Today marks the anniversary of Michael Jackson's death (June 25, 2009), so thought I'd do a Michael Jackson mani.  I have to admit that this looked better in my head than it translated on my nails, but oh well, here it is!

Started with a base of two coats of Sinful Colors Cool Gray; top coated using HK Girl topcoat.

Added backdrop using China Glaze OMG using Handy 4 plate.

Stamped using black Konad special polish using Chez Divers 001 on all fingers except ring finger; SdP 111 was used for it.

Added a few random music notes from SdP 111 (and another plate that I didn't mark down for the stars on the index finger; unfortunately the topcoat smear makes them look like just a blob of dots!) and topped with HK Girl fast dry topcoat. 

The weather was very humid and even though I waited a few minutes to do the top coating after stamping, I had quite a bit of polish drag....bummer as I didn't take pix without SV.  *sigh*  Oh well.  Only noticeable in macro!  The topoat used was HK Girl topcoat; its obvious it does smear stamping as you can see.  I had heard before that it doesn't smear stamping but that's obviously not the case!

You will never believe this but it's true....Michael Jackson's Man in the Mirror was playing on the radio when I was putting on the finishing coat of SV on this....freaky, eh?

Thanks for looking!  


  1. Looks very cool!

  2. Wuaahhh I miss Michael!!! A weirdo, but he was awesome!!!

    1. he wasn't a weirdo :( he was the most misunderstood and wonderful person ever. do some research on the kind of suffering he went through (auto immune diseases and unjust allegations) before judging him with such a name. but yes, agreed, he was awesome. love--

  3. OMG I want this MJ plate O.O

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  4. this is so cool! wish I had these stamping plates you used =)

  5. Love it! This looks really cool!

  6. The holo rays behind the images is such a nice detail! I'm looking forward to your Vegas mani post--didn't get nearly enough time to study all the images you used. :)

  7. I love them! :D I'll try too :D Thanks!


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