I'm not! !!
I'm one of those super holiday freaks...my house is decorated for every holiday...I got the heart tablecloth on my dining room table, with hearts stones in the centrepiece that has floating heart candles, little hearts hanging from my lighted tree in the corner, Valentine's window decals on every window...I even send my kids sandwiches to school in those Valentine's sandwich bags from the dollar store (I'm sure my 15 year old DS just looooveees that, LOL)!!

OPI's Texas Collection was just released in my area so I picked up three of them. They aren't super unique colours to me, but I don't have many jellies; decided to use OPI Too Hot Pink to Hold 'Em.

I applied over a quick coat of Bride's Bouquet for two reasons-one, I don't like visible nail line and two, to brighten it up a bit. Unfortunately as I only did two coats, you can see a bit of the white on the tips.

This was applied at around 1 am two nights ago. I had decided to try another quick dry topcoat as I was tired of the shrinkage from SV. I actually didn't have any shrinkage, but even though I went to bed an hour after I did my nails, I woke up with sheet marks on my mani...Urgggg. So I had to cover it somehow, so last night, topped it off with a coat of Nicole by OPI Spark My Mistletoe.

Then added a black french tip, freehand with one of those pens you can pick up at Walmart (I've only did this once before, you can tell!) As uneven as this is, I know it would be wayyyy better than my french tip stamping!

And lastly stamped with Konad black special polish using IP BM02.

Here's mani after stamping without topcoat....which is why I like to topcoat it...see, the black stamp below doesn't 'pop' like the pix above!

In all honesty, I took the pix before applying SV as it has the tendency to drag and I wanted to have a decent pix if by chance it did it...
I went back to the SV topcoat (cause I didn't want sheet marks again!!). I'm still going to experiment with topcoats and see if something works better for me as the SV shrinkage is so frustrating ...
So another Valentine's Day Manicure...and red at that!
Thanks for looking and have a great weekend!