Sunday, February 16, 2014

Digit-al Dozen Does Vintage; Day 5

I'm late again with getting my post up...but better than never as the saying goes!  I did the vintage video game Pacman for the last day of the Digit-al Dozen Vintage challenge.

I couldn't find my regular go-to black base polish, FingerPaints Black Expressionism (that may have to do with the fact the DD's go-to mani colour lately is black and I have a sneaky suspicion it's up in her bedroom), so did a coat of Wet n Wild Ebony Hates Chris which was a horrible mess of a polish.  Found another black polish, KleanColor Black and added it on top, topped with SV to finish.

Added images from Handy 31 (middle and words on pinky) and Handy 32 (thumb, ring and pinky). Used Mundo de Unas stamping polishes; no. 4 (light blue), 30 (darker blue), 11 (yellow), 15 (pink) and 13 (orange).

Handy  31

Handy 32

Hand painted the orange ghost on the index finger using Mundo de Unas no. 13.

I've had these cool googly eyes for a while and finally had a chance to use them.  For applying them, my first instinct was to topcoat them like a rhinestone but thought that wouldn't work, so top coated the ring finger and set the eyes in the topcoat to hold them there.  Added random dots using same stamping colours and topped with SV as well.

Ms. Pacman and Pacman barely fit on my nails and the cute bow I added isn't that visible so I took a pix so it can be seen a little better.

I'm not sure how long these googly eyes will stay on my nails; my bet with the hubs is at least one of them will be gone by morning lol!

Here's the other ladies Day 5 fabulous vintage mani's.  This week, there has been a wide variety of vintage mani's...always so interesting to see everyone's interpretation of the theme and the ladies always nail it!

Hope you're having a fantastic weekend; thanks for looking!


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