Thursday, November 17, 2016

Digit-al Dozen Does Colour Contrasts; Day 4

For day 4 of the Digit-al Dozen colour contrast challenge, I did something a little unusual!  Well, the nails turned out usual, just the thinking behind the challenge might be a little unusual! During my google searching for definition of colour contrasts, it was discovered that the same shade in large and dark form is a contrast! So decided to go that route; a light and dark contrast of same/similar colour...if I really wanted to stretch it, I could also say holo and creme are's what I came up with!

Started with a base of two coats of ILNP Music Box, no top coat.

Added a coat of KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Stamped using an image from UberChic 9-02 using MdU 79.

UC 9-02

The thumb had perfect placement; the rest; not so much lol!

Topped with a final coat of KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

Here's the other ladies Day 4 colour contrast mani's!


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