It's Digit-al Dozen week and this month's challenge is Mythical Creatures. When I sat down to do this mani, I knew the image I wanted to use and the plan was that this would be Lock Ness Monster-ish for mythical creatures. When I actually looked at the image, it was cuter than the pictures I've seen of the Lock Ness Monster but I still wanted to use it so this is more Caribbean Sea Monster than Lock Ness Monster. But maybe this guy has been seen off the shore of Jamaica or Bahama's, who knows! Here's what I came up with!
Started with a base of two coats of OPI The I's Have It.
Did a sponged gradient using OPI The I's Have It, Morgan Taylor Don't Touch Me, I'm Radioactive and Morgan Taylor Deja Blue.
Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.
Made stamper decals using images from Apipila Super Place A. Image outline is Painted Polish Stamped in Greenery, and filled in with MdU 11 and 13.
Added CND Creative Play Express Ur Em-oceans at the tips to mimic glistening water.
Stamped thumb using Infinity 75 (sun) and Infinity 52 using Funky Fingers Dark Knight.
Stamped on ring using same image from Infinity 52.
Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

Here's the other ladies Day 1 mani's!
Thanks for looking!
Yes! Nessie!! Love!!