Saturday, December 14, 2019

Digit-al Dozen Does Accent Nails; Day 4

I'm  a little late in sharing but this is my day 4 mani for Digit-al Dozen accent nail challenge!  Here's what I came up with!

Started with a base of two coats of Girly Bits Little Red Toque with an accent of Zoya Tilda, no top coat.

Topped with a coat of KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Stamped with images from Lina 4 Seasons-Winter 02 (middle an thumb), B. Loves B.10 (stripes) and Creative Shop 155 (ring) using Painted Polish Blanc Slate.

Creative Shop 155

 Topped with a coat of KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Added a few accent dots using same base polishes.

Decided more were needed so kinda went dot crazy, then added a coat of KBShimmer to finish.

 Here's the other ladies Day 4 mani's!

Thanks for looking!

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