Trick or Treat!
Smell my feet!
Give me something good to eat!
The trick or treaters are out tonight; we are busy giving out candy and so far have seen a couple of princesses, Captain America, Super Girl, a pirate, a ghoul, a butterfly....and a whole bunch of costumes I just don't recognize!
Started with a base of flaky skittles; polishes starting at thumb and going clockwise are Pahlish Bespoke Mauna Loa, Pretty & Polished Fuzzy Sweater, Barry M Grey with a coat of Frenzy Dauntless, Great Lakes Lacquer The Last Sliver of Sun and Great Lakes Don't Forget the Whip. All are two coats, no top coat, except the middle which is one coat of each.
Topped with a coat of KBShimmer Clearly on Top.
Made a few stamper decals.
Applied stamper decals using images from DXE04 (index, middle and pinky), DXE16 (thumb) and Infinity 146 (ring). The added stamped pumpkin is from DXE01 using MdU 13, the words on the index are from SPH-001.
Love this image!
Infinity 146.
I had a few left over stamper decals so applied them to Ms. Cindy; images are from DXE04 (ring, middle and index), the thumb is from Messy Mansion MM22 and the very adorable ghost is from Chez Halloween 005. The words on the pinky are from DXE23.

Top coated with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

Happy Halloween!
Thanks for looking!