For Day 4 of Digit-al Dozen Does Thankfulness, I'm thankful for nail polish! Not necessarily the bottles of polish (well, maybe a little because they do bring me relaxation and joy) but a broad spectrum of items relating to the nail polish community generally! I'm thankful that I seen a Konad display several years ago that got me into doing nail art. I'm thankful for the mini art creations on my nails, as well as the time spent doing my nails destressing from the events of the day. I'm thankful for turning to the internet to find more image plates which in turn put me onto Makeup Alley where my eyes were opened to the vast amount of polishes available worldwide. MUA too was the place that I began to swap polishes and as I've said many times on my blog, swapping is awesome to obtain polishes you wouldn't otherwise be able to get from another area of the world. MUA turned me onto many ladies that I messaged back and forth with, eventually meeting up with several in person; I have met up with other nail fanatics in Las Vegas as well as a meet up earlier this spring at the Girly Bits shop where we made our own polishes. MUA was also the place that I learned about indie nail polish makers; I'm so thankful for the indie polish makers out there who are creating such unique and gorgeous polishes for us nail polish lovers! A few ladies branched off from MUA to create private groups so we could connect and talk not only about nail polish but life in general. I've been involved in a lot of Secret Santa's and other seasonal exchanges, and the generosity of the ladies I've exchanged with is truly heartwarming. From these connections, I was turned to Facebook and joined many online FB groups, which in turn connected me with a whole wide range of groups; Adventures in Stamping was the very first FB group I joined, which is a large group talking all about stamping, which lead to numerous other groups used to stay connected to polish; some groups are about polish in general, some are swap groups, a lot of indie makers have their own FB page so you can learn about updates on their brand, to fan groups of so many indie makers out there that you can connect to and even blogging community groups. I learn about sales and exclusives from a lot of these pages which my wallet is thankful for! In a lot of these groups, I connect privately with members and correspond via text and messaging or emailing and have met in person; and have developed friendships all out of our mutual love for a bottle of polish. Polish too has connected me with a fantastic group of ladies who form the Digit-al Dozen. Not only are these ladies uber talented in so many facets of nail art, but they are a genuinely caring group of ladies looking out for and supporting each other in other areas of life not necessary relating to nail polish. So this is my tribute mani to the nail polish community in general and everything I am thankful for associated with it!

To tie into the theme of polish thankfulness, I thought of the meet up I was part of this spring. I met with Frazzle and Aniploish, nailxchange, Honeybee_Nails and Tracy Loves Lacquer and went to Girly Bits shop in Kingsville, Ontario. We seen where all the magic happens at Girly Bits at the shop, learned the basics of how to make polish and were left to play with base, glitter from Pam's huge assortment of supplies. This is one of the polishes I made that day which is the first time I've worn it, which I had coined Perfect Periwinkle.

Stamped using white Konad special polish using images from FUN 12 and NS-02. (Note to image plate makers: we need more indie polish brand names on plates!)

Added a few dots for filler and interest using CND Silver Chrome and Butter London Bramble.

Top coated to finish.

In relation to polish as well, I'm thankful for all those people that check out my blog, IG, Pinterest, and various other social medias...aka, anyone who might be reading this now or seeing the pix of this mani somewhere out there! While my blog has always been a means of me to keep track of the nails that I do, it has connected me with a lot of people; I've been contacted by numerous polish makers and others to do reviews for their products, I read a lot of blogs which has helped me take care of my nails, cuticles, etc better; just so much to be thankful regarding nail polish community generally. I am thankful!
Here's the other ladies Day 4 Thankfulness mani's!
Thanks for looking!
OH MY GOSH, this is totally fabulous! I freaking love this!
ReplyDeletethose logos are awesome, and so is the periwinkle you made - beautifully soft x
ReplyDeleteI Love this mani and the base color you chose! And I love nail polish and the friends I've made as a result. Perfect!
ReplyDeleteThis is fabulous! Your stamping plate collection amazes me!