Happy Holidays! Hopefully you had a fantastic Christmas and enjoying the holiday season!
These nails were almost not to be even though I love how they turned out. So several weeks ago, I made 4 decals on the stamper with the image on the middle finger. I had been waiting for the time that I sat down to do my nails and was in the mood to do and wear this style of nails (hopefully I'm not the only person like this who has to be in the mood to wear a particular colour or finish or style, etc. If you are, you get this!). So anyway, made said stamper decals. Hadn't been in the mood to do them. Then maybe two weeks ago or so, I had nails longer than this and one nail had a little snag; before I knew it, that nail was down to nubs and the rest had to follow. Well, I was in a real predicament for this design then as these decals really needed longer nails. Not to mention that I was tying up 5 stampers that were holding the decals. So I waited a week or so for my nails to grow out a bit and decided a couple days before Christmas that I had to do them as the holiday season was going to be over before I would be wearing them! So did my nails but then the decals had dried up and wouldn't stick even though the nails were topped with Orly Bonder. So I had to coax them onto the nail the best I could but had to do some touch ups here and there on a couple of them. I will have to keep this in mind for the future as I guess I'm used to doing stamper decals that are topped with Sally Hansen Hard as Nails and they are good to apply for a couple years! These decals made on the stamper and applied direct are made more so to be applied right away so I'll have to keep this in mind and use them up right away. Anyway, here's what I came up with!

Started with a base of one thin, quick coat of FingerPaints Blissfully Blue, mainly in case the stamper squishy missed any spot. Then did squishy stamper method using it, and KBShimmer Sky Jinks and I'd Rather Be With Blue.
Added some brush strokes of Nubar (to be updated) for interest.
Applied decals on the stamper on all fingers except ring. The plates used were Creative Shop 36 (thumb) and Delaney Hiver A001 (index, middle and pinky). The ring finger was stamped using image from Maniology M036.
Maniology M036
Added words to ring finger using Maniology M041. I also stamped snowflake from same image on thumb.
Maniology M041.
I got to looking at my nails and was thinking why do all the trees have snow on them except the one on the index so hand painted in some snow (this is about the extent of my free hand skills!)
Love the thumb imagery!
Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.
The next day, I got to thinking this might be a mani that looks better with a matte top coat, so applied a coat of My Indie Polish My Perfect Matte.
Have a great weekend and thanks for looking!