Friday, May 31, 2019


It's fluidartfriday and I did these nails based upon the colour palette that was chosen for the #fluidartfriends group this week over on IG.  Here's what I came up with!

This is the colour pallette this week!
These were the polishes used.  I added a light pink shimmer as I like the shimmer look in my decals.They are Sally Hansen Miracle GelSugar Fix, Savvy Fairy Twinkle, OPI Another Ramen-tic Evening, Sally Hansen CSM Mardi Grape and Zoya Jana.

Even though I had a bottle of clear DYI fluid polish and used it successfully in the past, it just didn't seem to create as many cells this time round so I had to do a few different decals to get enough cell images that I was happy with.  

I cut out the parts of the decals that I was going to use. 

Applied them to my nail.  I made these decals Wednesday night and applied last night (Thursday); they were the easiest decals I have ever worked with for removal and pliability (is that even a word??!!).  I guess because they were fresh they moved nicely on the nail and were bendable; I had been making decals and using them weeks later so they were much more brittle and the cleanup was terrible!  I am really sorry about my nasty cuticles right now; I'm going through a bad spell lately and have been to doctor about them; I'm on the verge of eczema on my hands and nothing seems to be working and they are particularly poor right now; colour wise as well as all nasty looking from dry skin and me trying to remove it, etc etc.  The paper cut on my ring finger doesn't help lol.  And you can't see it, but I also scraped my knuckle on my index finger last weekend opening a gate.  Hopefully you can overlook the skin for the nail art design!  It's not going to stop me from doing my nails; I have been dealing with it for a while now and I guess if it is so offensive, please don't look at my medias out there.  If I knew how to photo shop, I would, but I don't, so I can't!  I can't do anything about it as no creams, etc. seem to be working, medicated or otherwise, but I do hope it clears eventually!  And yes, they are as sore as they look!  I've been trying not to do my nails as often but the nail fanatic in me still wants to do my nails!  So I've been doing them but haven't really been sharing them when they are at their worst, except today which is pretty much as bad as they have been.  It doesn't help using all the acetone to remove the decal parts but can't be helped.  What we suffer for our art!

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Of course I stamped them; double stamped using Painted Polish Stamped in Rose and MdU 2 using images from Marianne Nails XXL 6.  I wanted to do all nails with the floral design but it seemed to block the base too much so used another image on the rest of the nails.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Please check out #fluidfridayfriends on IG and see all the different fluid arts in the theme palette!

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Colourful Smooshy!

This is a mani I did a little over a year ago and haven't shared yet.  Too bad I didn't see it in the archives earlier to post as part of the Digit-al Dozen colours challenge; it would have been appropriate for sure!  Here's what I came up with!

Started with a smooshy stamper base of KBShimmer Race Against Slime, Let's Be Frank, All The Bright Moves, Beach Please and Girly Bits I've Got High Hoops.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Stamped using image from Infinity 116 using FunkyFingers Dark Night.

Top coated with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Simple Stamped Nails!

I received a nail art order not too long ago that included this Sugar Bubbles plate and decided to use it when I did this gradient.  Yes, sometimes nails are just that simple!  Here's what I came up with!

Started with a base of two coats of Sally Hansen CSM Crush On Blue, no top coat.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Did a sponged gradient using CbL Liz's Eyes (POTM February 2016).

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Stamped using image from SugarBubbles SBS 16 using FunkyFingers Gesso.

SugarBubbles SBS 016.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

I wish my nails were a bit longer so you could see the cool look of the stamped image but that's life.  I think they still turned out OK!

Thanks for looking!

Monday, May 27, 2019

Floral Nails Perfect for Spring!

Another floral phase mani from when I was hoping spring was right around the corner, but am still waiting for it!  Here's to hoping it arrives any day now; weather wise, not just the fact that it has passed on the calendar!  Here's what I came up with!

Started with a base of two coats of Pahlish Melody, no top coat.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Stamped dots using Lina Feeling Shapely! 02 and Lina 4 Seasons-Spring 02 on the rest of the nails using MdU 1 and 65.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

I thought this would be a perfect mani to matte to see the gold flakies better, so the next day I added a coat of My Indie Polish My Perfect Matte.

I think it looks great either way but I think I might like it slightly better with the matte top coat.

Have a great weekend and thanks for looking!

PS:  Seeing this mani and a few others, I think I went through a dot phase too!  If you read the posts, that's dots, butterflies and flowers phases!  Watch for them!

Friday, May 24, 2019

Fluid Art Friday!

I've been trying my hand at fluid art for a couple months now and when I'm able, I like to participate in the #fluidfridayfriends weekly challenges on IG.  This is the fluid art that I came up with based on the colour prompt for this week!  Not really happy with it; way darker than I wanted and just don't even about the cleanup but I only had about 45 minutes before work this morning to get them on my nails and stamped before I had to leave.  But I always share the good with the bad; here's what I came up with!

This is the colour prompt that we were to use.

These were the polishes I used initially but I ended up switching the red polish for the red Dance Legend fluid polish.

My fluid art decal.

After cutting the areas that I wanted to use, applied to the nail after applying sticky base coat.

I should throw out that navy polish; I've used it a couple times and clean up is horrendous every time!  I'm sure I have something better in my stash that I can use instead!

Applied a coat of KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

I didn't have too much of the yellow in the fluid base so decided to stamp using yellow polish; stamped using an image from Infinity 158 using MdU 11.  I wanted to use an image that would let the fluidart show through but the your eye is so drawn to the stamping, the base is just background cover.  To me, anyway.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Please ignore the mess of my cuticles here but this is Ms. Cindy with the same stamping but different base.  It is a lot of layers of polish and flakies but turned out pretty cool!

Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for looking!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Another Spring Mani!

Here in Southern Ontario, we still are experiencing the typical indicators of spring; low temperatures and rain on a regular basis.  In fact, we've only had a handful of days when the temp has actually been warm!  And enough with the rain, OK!??! Although technically spring, we usually do have much warmer weather by now so I do hope it warms up soon.   The spring-like weather means I can still share spring nails, right?  Right or wrong, I'm sharing them anyway; here's what I came up with!

Started with a base of two coats of Illamasqua Smash, no top coat.  I love how bright this is; an awesome spring colour! Or any time of the year for that matter!

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

This was part of my floral phase; stamped using Lina 4 Seasons-Spring 01 using MdU 1.

Added glitter center dots using Love Angeline Alexandrite Apreggio.

Added a few more dots for colour and interest using CND Bicycle Yellow.

Finished with a final coat of KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Digit-al Dozen Does Colours; Day 5

I was away for the weekend and didn't have a chance to share my day 5 mani for the colours challenge this month before I left.   But colour(ful) it is; here's what I came up with!

Started with a skittle base of Nine Zero Polishes; starting at thumb and going clockwise:  Pineapple Punch, Blueberry Acai, Matcha & Mint, Mango Sunrise and Watermelon Juice; all two coats, no top coat.  The shard flakes are as they fell from the brush after shaking; some I had pretty good coverage and others, not as much.  

 Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

 Stamped with image from DRK-A using FunkyFingers Dark Knight.  This wasn't the image I had planned on using but wanted something that I could see the shard  through and it was close by.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

Here's the other ladies day 5 mani's!

Hopefully you have enjoyed all the colour mani's this month!  Thanks again for looking!