Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Witching Hour!

Eeep!  I'm running out of time to share my Halloween nails!  Too many mani's; not enough time to do the posts!  I guess this is why IG is so popular...but anyway, I did this witch Halloween nails over the weekend and thought I'd share them now.  They. Took. Forever.  Haven't spent this much time on a mani in some time but they did turn out pretty cool if I don't say so myself!  Here's what I came up with!

Started with a skittle base; polishes used starting at thumb and going clockwise are gradient of Color Club Island Ives, Fancy Gloss Neon Orange then Fancy Gloss Imperial added, Carpe Noctem Cosmetics Faerie Synthesis, CbL Sweet Nectar, Noodles Polish Chills & Thrills and OPI Summer Lovin' Having A Blast, then topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Made stamper decals using Delaney Halloween 05 (middle and thumb) and MoYou London Festive 16 (index), then stamped images from Delaney Halloween 05 on pinky and CjS H-37 using MdU 2, 11, 48 and 106.  The accent bats on the middle and thumb as well as the pumpkins and cat on the middle are from same CjS H-37 plate. 

Clear Jelly Stamper CjS H-37

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

Thanks for looking!

Monday, October 28, 2019

Pumpkin Faces!

I did these nails over the weekend; they might look familiar as I've done something very similar here.  (OMG was it really 4 years ago??!??!!)  If you check out the older post, you will see that these nails are inspired from a hand towel I had bought and when I put it up last weekend, it inspired me to do them again.  Here's what I came up with!

Started out with a base of two coats of LynBDesigns Ivy.  Note:  I've been trying different peel off base coats so that I can start to wear all those glitter bombs that I have from years ago!  But they either are too hard to get off or pop off too easy as in the case with some water base peel offs or application and stay issues as in the case of some latex ones.  Plus I find they don't last that long; they get clumpy etc.  So I've been trying out different peel off bases and if you have eagle eyes, you might have noticed some latex around the edges on some nails, etc.  So in this case, I was using Hit The Bottle Keepin It Peel and, it takes a long time to dry, so I discovered.  Longer than I expected anyway.  So I have a couple lumpy fingers from where it kinda clumped up and went gummy with the polish.  By no means does this have anything to do with the LynBDesign base polish to be clear.  

Stamped using Painted Polish Blanc Slate using image from Lina Born to Sail 01.

Added faces using image from Delaney Halloween A001 using Painted Polish Midnight Mischief.

Finished with a coat of KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

If you are interested in the wear test of the Hit the Bottle Keepin It Peel, well, here are my comments.  When I applied it, I did one coat on nails that had been wiped with pure acetone (as I do keep a bottle with additive close by as well).  I applied one coat.  It took quite a while (IMHO) to dry.  I didn't keep track minute wise but I thought I waited 3-4 minutes and it still was tacky enough to create gummy nails on a couple of them (fyi, I painted the thumb and index first and they were dry; went I went to paint the middle, it was gummy still).  The very last picture was taken at 1:24 am on Saturday, October 26, 2019.  I went to bed, slept, got up and showered and left to do groceries at around 1:30 pm.  When I finished doing the groceries, I sat in my car at 2:54 pm and took this pix; my right hand had lost 3 peelies.

I took this pix at 3:13 pm while I was putting the groceries away, another casualty.  The final one popped off one minute later.  My left hand was still all intact for about another hour when I noticed one had popped off at which time I removed the last 4. They came off easily which was good news but reallyyyy easy so I doubt they would have stayed on much longer.  So IMHO these didn't adhere that well and popped off too far too easily.  Or grocery shopping and putting away groceries are too strenuous activities, I'm not sure.  Seeing how I bought two bottles of Hit the Bottle Keepin It Peel, I'm doing to continue to use it and see if I have better results and really hope I do.  

Thanks for looking!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Stay Spooky!

I spent some time ago last weekend pulling some polishes that lend themselves to Halloween nails so that when I had time to sit down and do my nails, they were already at hand (as were Halloween plates as I pulled them and fall plates quite some time ago).  I'm not quite sure why I keep on buying polishes that lend themselves to Halloween manis when I discovered I have quite a few polishes already that lend themselves to Halloween manis.  So I thought I'd try to use quite a few of them in this mani because it might be some time before they get used again!  Here's what I came up with!

Started with a base of skittles, polishes used starting at thumb and going clockwise:  Nine Zero Jack-O-Lantern Juice (3 coats), China Glaze Ick-A-Body (3), OPI Summer Lovin' Having A Blast (2), Cadillacquer White Knight (3) and Colors by Llarowe Sweet Nectar (Hypnotic Polish Excl) (3).  Case in point; I've had Ick-A-Body for I don't know how many years but have never wore it.  I don't know why I don't wear some of these polishes I have; it's like I collect them more than I wear them!

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Stamped using images from UberChic Halloween-05 (middle and thumb) and MoYou Festive 16 (index, ring and pinky) using Painted Polish Stamped in Clay, MdU 11 and 52.

UberChic Halloween-05.

Shadow stamped on some of the nails using same images with Painted Polish Midnight Mischief.  Also added bats to the thumb using image from UC Halloween-05.  My shadow stamping wasn't as tight as I would have like but what can you do lol.

Added spider (didn't make note of which plates, sorry) on index, then finished with a coat of KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Digit-al Dozen Does Colo(u)rs Collide; Day 5

My final Digit-al Dozen mani for the colours collide challenge is another Halloween mani!  How is it that orange, green and purple are colours that clash, but they go oh, so well together for Halloween?  One of life's burning questions apparently lol! Here's what I came up with! 

Started with a base of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls, OPI Did It On 'Em, OPI Summer Lovin' Having A Blast, and OPI Positive Vibes Only.  Added a couple coats of KBShimmer Hide and Eek on the OPI MBSW bases.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Using MdU 11, stamped images from Delaney Halloween A001 (thumb and index), Creative Shop 108 (middle), Delaney Halloween 006 (ring) and Maniology M056 (pinky).

Creative Shop 108.

Maniology M056

Shadow stamped using Painted Polish Midnight Mischief using plates as noted above, except that I removed the stamping on the pinky and used an image from Lina Spooklicious! 03 instead.

Lina Spooklicious! 03.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

Here's the other ladies day 5 mani's!

Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Digit-al Dozes Does Col(u)rs Collide; Day 4

It's about time I started to share some Halloween nails and I'm using the Digit-al Dozen colours collide challenge to kick it off!  This was based upon black and white being contrasting colours and the mani has them colliding together for Halloween!  Here's what I came up with!

I started with a base of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls and OPI Black Onyx (and I guess I didn't take any pix as I don't see any when I uploaded!).  Stamped using images from UberChic UC Halloween-03 using Painted Polishes Blanc Slate and Midnight Mischief.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Added dots using CND Electric Orange for a pop of colour interest and filler.

Finished with a final coat of KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Here's the other ladies day 4 manis!

Thanks for looking!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Digit-al Dozen Does Colo(u)rs Collide; Day 3

I did these nails shortly after IEC 2019 as I got both the base and the stamping polish there.  Another unusual combination that looks great (IMHO!) and I thought I would share for day 3 of Digit-al Dozen colour collide challenge!  Here's what I came up with!

Started with a base of two coats of LynBDesigns What's the Pointillist, no top coat.  I love this polish; it was a favourite that I had picked up from the event.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Stamped using Hit The Bottle Fuchsia Expectations using an image from UberChic UC 27-03.

UberChic UC 27-03.

Added a few dots using Moyra sp. 15 for some bright interest and filler.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

Removal was a breeze!  I don't even know how this happened; maybe too much oil on my nails, not sure but they all pretty much popped off with no issue!

Here's the other ladies day 3 mani's!

Now, on to some Halloween nails!  Thanks for looking!

Friday, October 18, 2019

Digit-al Dozen Does Colo(u)rs That Collide; Day 2

Here's a couple colours that collide for day two of Digit-al Dozen challenge!  I love how it turned out...and love when two colours that don't necessarily go well together look great!  

Started with a base of two coats of Girly Bits Peace-Oop, which was one of their September 2016 COTM (where does time fly??  Three years already??), no top coat.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Stamped with an image from Lina Feeling Shapely! 02 using MdU 1.

Topped with original stamped image using image from Lina Feeling Shapely! 08 using Painted Polish Autumn Twilight 2.0 and then stamped the rest of the nails with the same image and stamping polish.

Dotted flower centers using MdU 1.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

Here's the other ladies day 2 mani's!

I'm terribly sorry for being so behind; I have the mani's done just have to finish the posts!

Thanks for looking!