Yesterday's FB Adventures in Stamping challenge was 'leafy'. When I set out to do my nails for the challenge, after picking out a polish to use, I thought I do a little polish comparison at the same time with a few others in my stash. And heck, while I was at it, show a few pix of the new LeaLaC A plate. But before I get to the comparison and plate pix, here's what I came up with for the leafy challenge.
Base polishes before stamping. Can you guess which polishes I used? They will be listed below during comparison part of the post. (Feel free to click on these pix for a better view of these beauties!)
Stamping polishes used were FUN Gold and FUN Green Metallic using A20 (thumb) and LeaLaC A (or LLC A as it's noted on the plate) for rest of the fingers.
Topped with SV to finish as shown in first pix.
I'm sure curiosity is killing you as to which polishes I used, so here's another pix again just for good measure before I list them.

Polishes used were OPI German-icure by OPI (thumb), OPI La Boheme (ring finger and index) and Sally Hansen Ruby Emerald (middle finger and pinky), all two coats. Did you guess correctly?
The above pix is all the same polishes, but one coat. OPI German-icure by OPI (thumb), OPI La Boheme (ring finger and index) and Sally Hansen Ruby Emerald (middle finger and pinky), I must add that the thumb is one very generous ( and sloppy!) coat.
The above pix is another one with two coats, no topcoat. OPI German-icure by OPI (thumb), OPI La Boheme (ring finger and index) and Sally Hansen Ruby Emerald (middle finger and pinky),
There's been some comments out there in the blogesphere if OPI German-icure by OPI is a a close to or dupe to OPI La Boheme...and it clearly is not. A great fall shade, but close to or dupe it is not. OPI La Boheme and Sally Hansen Ruby Emerald on the other hand, are pretttttyyyyy close, probably even dupes to me. I didn't notice any negligible difference. If you have one, you wouldn't need the other, recognizing that if you don't already have them in your stash, they will be pretty hard to come by, sorry. I bought OPI La Boheme a few years ago on eBay before prices skyrocketed; I know there are couple versions out there and to be honest, I don't know if I have the good or the bad one, but the pix below is what my bottle looks like. While there is this awesome flash in the bottle, I couldn't coax it onto my nails unfortunately. But it is gorgeous on the nail none the less! Heck, so is Sally Hansen Ruby Emerald! The only comment I'd have is that I wouldn't 'waste' La Boheme or even Ruby Emerald in the future if I was going to just stamp on it anyway because all the awesomeness of them was pretty much lost when stamped over as you can see from the pix above. Maybe next time, I'd do a little french tip or a small design.

I did say I did a little a plate review in this post too, so here are couple pix of the new LeaLaC A plate that arrived last week.
These are truly some of the largest designs I've seen on plates! SdP V, which I'll soon be reviewing too, is really the only other plate that is even close in size to these images. However, as you can see from the pix below, some of these images are too big for my nails. I can still extrapolate parts of images to place on my nails, but some will be lost on me, like this one unfortunately.
My largest nail, my thumb, is simply far too small to fit this cool dot design on it. But I will have to come up with a cool way to use it as it is awesome!
The picture above is my thumb nail up against the image from LeaLaC A that I used for the mani for the leafy challenge, just so you get an idea of how large the design.
Another view of it up against my nekkid index finger! These designs are very large. So large that they in fact will not totally fit onto the XL stamper as I discovered when I was testing them.
The above pix shows the XL stamper up against the image. It's close, but the image is larger than the stamper.
The same image compared to Konad stamper.
I wonder if in fact there's going to be a new stamper out on the market soon to accommodate these large images as they do not fit entirely on the XL stamper....maybe an XXL stamper? But one things for can tell that I sure won't be needing it! I'm good with the Konad size stamper! In fact, the only reason I even have the XL stamper is that it picks up some images better than Konad stamper and I need to use it on occasion because of plate manufacturing variations. But if you have long or wide nails, you may wish to look into LeaLaC A and B, or SdP V, which I'll be doing a comparison post soon too!
LeaLaC A and B are available via
llarowe; also listed in the tab Where I Get my Stuff on the homepage.
Hope you had a great weekend! Btw, a winner for the impromptu giveaway that I had last week has been picked as determined by; I'll announce it next post!
Thanks for looking!