I'm sorry for being absent this last week or so; life has just been kicking me in the butt and I haven't had time to do any posts, etc. even though I'm still changing up my nails almost every day...night I mean, usually around 1 am as that's when I'm finding time to do them! Thank you for hanging in there and waiting for me to post versus just unfollowing me on whatever media you do follow! I sincerely appreciate it!
This mani was from a fluid art fail from when I was sampling different fluid additives to see if they would create cells for DYI fluid art including sampling different silicone mats so see how they smooshed, helped in the cell process etc. The result was a fail as far as fluid art goes but it did turn out a pretty cool mat decal so I still added it to my nails and did some stamping and was pretty happy how it ended up looking, even if it was a fluid art fail! Here's what I came up with!

Started out with the failed fluid art decal. I'm not sure actually which polishes I used other than LA Colors but I know for these fluid arts, I've been pretty much sticking to non indie polishes and those that are on the lower end of retail costs because they use up so much polish and because at the time, I was doing a lot of experimenting and I didn't want to use up some of my indie or high end polishes! I actually found some notes on this; used LA Colors Family Ties, NYC Polyester Pink, NYC Snow White, WetnWild Who Is Ultra Violet and LA Colors Punchy were the polished used for the base.

But before I do get to the nails, this is Ms. Cindy wearing the LA Colors Family Ties which is an amazing hot pink gel polish! I wore it alone on Ms. Cindy while wearing the mani I'm sharing now. Absolutely love the colour, finish, shine and application of this polish! I thinkkkk I had found these in Dollar Tree for $1.25 each over the winter and pretty much bought one of every colour they had and so happy that I did!
But back to the nails; applied decal to the nails, did clean up, etc.
Applied KBShimmer Clearly on Top.
Stamped using image from Apipila Super Placa I using FunkyFingers Dark Knight.
Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.
I think this turned out to be a pretty cool mani and is exactly what I love about stamping; an interesting image that you can see the interesting base below can make awesome nails! Or in this case, the stamping saved the mani because remember, it was a fluid art fail that I went with anyway but it did end up creating a pretty cool base for the stamping! Never be afraid to try out your fail; worst case is you've used some time and acetone and you have another canvas for your next creation!
Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for looking!