Friday, August 30, 2019

Fluid Art Friday!

I haven't done fluid art in a while.  I've been wanting to participate in the Friday colour collage challenges for #FluidFridayFriends but just haven't had time due to other commitments, mainly work getting home late, then trying to do laundry, grocery shopping, etc. (aka, every chore I do on the weekends usually) as I'm away most weekends from May to October. Hopefully, I'll get back to it in the fall and over the winter!  I did this fluid back in April and thought I'd share it now!  

This is the fluid decal that I had made with DYI fluid polish.  Unfortunately, I didn't keep track of the polishes used.

Applied the portions of the decal on my nails.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

I wanted an interesting image but not so much coverage that it covered the base fluid cells so stamped using an image from Marianne Nails n.46 using FunkyFingers Gesso.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bright Summer Smooshy Nails!

This is a perfect summer mani for the beautiful sunny weather we've been having lately!  It's hard to believe summer is winding down and before we know it, kids will be going back to school and leaves will be turning colour.  Well, more than they are; I've already noticed leaves changing here and there.  Anyway, let's enjoy the warm summer while we can! Here's what I came up with!

Started with a stamper smooshy base of Fancy Gloss Neon Green, Neon Yellow and Neon Yellow Orange, no top coat (or base coat; this is right on Duri Rejovicate base).  I had planned on doing a sponged gradient but it got late by the time I started my nails (these pictures were taken at 1:13 am!) and I thought it would take too long so this was the next best thing.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Stamped using image from UberChic UC Radiate Love using Painted Polish Midnight Mischief.

UberChic UC Radiate Love 

The little strand of polish in the flower center on the index finger really was bugging me so I removed it with a brush and acetone but not as neatly as I would have liked so the image isn't as crisp as on the other nails.  Not obvious IRL but it is on these close ups. I also had a little polish smear on a couple nails so will have to try to remember to let the stamping polish dry a bit more before top coating.  Or float it better!

Enjoy these last days of summer while you can!  Well, at least for the next month or so before fall officially arrives!

Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Too Soon?

I knew when I sat down to do my nails last night that it was calling for rain and because I've been wearing lots of neons and brights lately, I decided to wear something a little toned down.  I was looking through my IEC 2019 haul and seen these polishes and thought they would make a cool skittle fall mani.  This is what I came up with!

Started with a skittle base of Bees Knees Lacquer Bucking Bronco, Alter Ego Uncommonly Me, Bees Knees Lacquer Hell Knight, Alter Ego Happy I'm Not Like The Others and Alter Ego Being Myself.  All the Alter Ego polishes are two coats; the Bees Knees are three. 

 Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Stamped on some fall leaves using image from Lina 4 Seasons-Autumn 01 using MdU 9, 11, 32, 51 and 66 (and not all them necessarily on each nail).

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.  

The Bees Knees have this pretty delicate shimmer in them so I decided to apply a matte top coat to highlight it; applied one coat of Glisten & Glow matte.

We had a late start to summer and I believe I heard it's forecasting for a warm fall so oodles of time so don't worry that I'll be sharing fall manis now.  I still have lots of summer looks to share before the leaves really change and the wind blows colder!  Just a nice change from the brights and neons that I've been wearing lately!

Thanks for looking!

Monday, August 26, 2019

Birthday Nails!

I had a birthday not too long ago ( was yesterday!) so these were the nails I was sporting for the weekend!  Here's what I came up with!

Started with a sponged gradient of Fancy Gloss Neon Yellow Sunshine Pop and Painted Polish Blanc Slate.  (I did post it was neon yellow but just checked my notes and its not.  Sorry.)

Applied KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

After making stamper decals with images from MoYou London Happy Birthday 01 and 02 using Fancy Gloss Neon Orange, Neon Yellow, Neon Green, Imperial and Azure.  The thumb and pinky are double stamped; first with a few of the Fancy Gloss Neons using HB 01 and then, the thumb is double stamped the thumb using an image from BundleMonster BM-H19, the word to is from MoYou London Happy Birthday 01 and me is from UC Love and Marriage 01.  The pinky has another decal from the index finger that didn't fit!  I also added random stars, dots, etc. for filler in various images from these same plates.

BundleMonster BM-H19

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes on my various social media accounts as I did post these on FB and IG yesterday but didn't have time to do a blog post!  Hopefully you get some ideas from this mani when it's your birthday!!

Thanks for looking!

Friday, August 23, 2019

Bright Hibiscus Nails

These were the nails I was sporting last weekend at Indie Expo Canada 2019!  I did them on Friday night and ended up wearing them until Monday night because I either had no time to change them or was too tired!  I love how bright and vibrant they were!  It was too bad we had so much rain last weekend but at least my nails were bright!  Here's what I came up with!

I didn't start these nails until around 1 am so while I initially wanted to do a gradient, I decided to do something quick so went with a stamper smooshy base of Fancy Gloss Neon Yellow, Neon Pink, Neon Orange and Neon Orange-Yellow.  The great thing about these neons is that no base polish is needed so I stamp these directly on my clear base coat.  And this is one stamper smoosh and it did all the nails (probably because I use too much polish) but because the polish is so opaque, I don't have to layer and layer to cover thin spots.  This method is quick for me so I use it when I want an interesting base but no time.  

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top. 

Stamped using an image from UberChic UC 7-01 using Painted Polish Midnight Mischief.

 Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

If you attended Indie Expo Canada 2019, I hope you had a fantastic time!  It was wonderful to see polish friends from past events and meet new ones!  And shop.  Like, weren't we all there for that?  Let's just say from the crowds and haul pix that it's pretty clear that indie polish is still thriving in Canada!  

If you weren't able to attend and want to live vicariously through me, my IEC 2019 posts will be shared over the next couple weeks!  

Have a great weekend and thanks for looking!

Friday, August 16, 2019

Digit-al Dozen Does Patterns; Day 4

This is a pretty simple mani that throws a pretty good punch when it's done if I don't say so myself!  Unfortunately, life is so busy that I don't have much time to do really detailed, time consuming mani's but I still like to change my nails daily or close to it so simple is the order of the day most of the time!  It has a pretty cool pattern though and it's my Day 4 mani for Digit-al Dozen pattern week!

Started with a base of two coats of Pretty Serious Comfy Y-Fronts.  This is a pretty colour but I don't get the name at all.  Maybe someone can enlighten me? 

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Stamped using FunkyFingers Gesso using image from MJ XLVI.


 Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

 Here's the other ladies day 4 mani's!

I'm going to be busy all weekend at Indie Expo Canada 2019 so please check out my Instagram for updates.  This also means I probablyyyy won't get my day 5 mani posted until Monday.

Thanks for looking and have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Digit-al Dozen Does Patterns; Day 3

It's day 3 of Digit-al Dozen pattern challenge  (I'm late, I'm sorry but life is just so busy!)!  I just did these nails a couple days ago; I thought I had done the mani's for the challenge (and I have!) but I liked these nails just a little better than another so decided to share now instead of another one!  The other Digit-al Dozen ladies are so talented; I have to try to bring my best mani's to try to keep up lol!  Anyway, here's what I came up with!

Started with a base of two coats of Essie All Over The Wave, no top coat.

Topped with a coat of Different Dimension Envy, part of the newly released 7 Deadly Sins collection.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Stamped using image from Apipila Super Placa A using Painted Polish Blanc Slate.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Decided to add a few dots for colour and interest, added them using Painted Polish Stamped in Starfruit.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

Here's the other ladies day3 mani's!

Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Digit-al Dozen Does Patterns; Day 2

It's day 2 of Digit-al Dozen pattern week and I did these pattern on pattern nails which are a little different but I try to think outside of the box sometimes for challenges and holidays and this is one of those times!  Yes, the dots are a pattern and so is the water marble design!  Here's what I came up with!

Started with a base of three coats of Ruby Kisses Barbie Purple, no top coat.  Perfectly named lol!

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Stamped image from Moyra 103 Birds Always Sing using Painted Polish Stamped in Rose, Stamped in Taro and Thirty and Flirty.

Moyra 103 Birds Always Sing

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Unfortunately, the gradient stamping wasn't giving me the punch I wanted for my nails, so decided to double stamp using an image from Kelly Negri KN 17 using Painted Polish Deux 2.0.  This is more my style!

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

Here's the other ladies day 2 pattern mani's!

Thanks for looking!