First and foremost, please accept my apologies for the sad, sad state of my cuticles. I was on vacation last week and just was not looking after them as much as I should have been! But they are slowly getting back on track. I even thought about not posting these but hey, my blog was started as a record of my stamping and this is record of the mani I did at the time. Plus we all have good days and bad, right?
This was a quick mani of a couple polishes I found on sale at Sally's for $2.79 each! First was two coats of Nina Ultra Pro in Sweet Nothings. Then layered with a coat of Savvy Purple Potion. This collection of very sheer and sparkly polishes are great to use for layering and add an extra something to the mani. The last pix was a quick indoor picture so not that colour accurate but wanted to take a quick one before layering the Savvy polish over it.
Stamped with fauxnad IP A19 using Konad white special polish. The stamp barely fit my little tiny nails especially my pinkie! I so envy those bloggers who have larger and longer nails. But on the bright side, a lot of the full nail image plates that they say don't find on their nails generally fit mine so I guess there is some benefit in having teeny nails!
Thanks for looking!
Yay nubbins! :)