It's hard to believe that it's Christmas Eve and Christmas is just one sleep away! I did these nails a couple nights ago; I went with something more in the holiday spirit; here's what I came up with!
Started with a base of Different Dimension HO3 (red), Different Dimension TREEmendous (lighter green) and Sally Hansen Ever Green (dark green), two coats, no top coat.
Top coated with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.
Stamped using Mundo de Unas #1 using Sugar Bubbles SB Special 02 (index), Sugar Bubbles SBS 01 (middle and pinky) and Chez Noel 002 (ring).
Added a coat of KBShimmer Candy Cane Crush! on thumb. Also, fished out a few of the red glitters from it and added to holly on pinky. Found a red glitter star and placed it on the tree on middle to finish. I thought about adding some green dots to the red fingers but decided to leave it as it is.
Because sometimes the smallest things amuse me, I took a pix of my thumb when I first swiped Candy Cane Crush as those glitters just lined up just so! I couldn't get them to budge with a brush and eventually removed a couple of them with tweezers; as much as I like glitter, I didn't want it spread out like this!

Sugar Bubbles SBS 01.

Love the trees in the second row, middle image!

Top coated to finish.

I'm not sure if I'll be doing a post for Christmas Day and Boxing Day as simply so much to do and running out of time! So have a fantastic Christmas; all the best to you and yours over the holiday!
Thanks for looking!
That red holo is gorgeous! I love the stamping as well. :)