This stunner, Regency Blue IEC 2018, was the polish that all the attendees at the polish making seminar at Indie Expo Canada 2018 made! More or less, our polishes look the same but interestingly enough, just a tad more of this or that, intentional or not, resulted that we all didn't have exactly the same polish, even though we were all following the same formula. I guess that's why makers have the disclaimer each batch might be different....or why opps batches show up from time to time; I can easily see how this happens as a result of making just this one bottle as I had my own oops moment when I added why more of one ingredient than probably everyone else there as the scale went from not reading any quantity to oops, you added way too much! Anyway, this is my post on the polish making session at Indie Expo Canada 2018!

Here is Pam of Girly Bits Cosmetics at the seminar mixing up some polishes; I believe she made the same polish we did as well as a few one of a kinds for the silent charity auction the next day.
The list of ingredients for our group custom; this is after adding the base as well as the spectraflair.
Stir, stir, stir! And try not to sneeze, spill, or get any on you!
Added the ultramarine blue.
Here's where things went south for me and I don't even think this was the picture when it was at it's worse! I added a mountain of metallic microflakes.....the scale went from 0 to way too much in no time flat!
In the background Leah Ann of Cbl, Bea of CbL, Cynthia of Alter Ego Polish and Tara, Girly Bits assistant extraordinaire!
Adding the last ingredient (I believe).
Progress as I was going along on the nail wheel then pouring of the polish!
The end result; Regency Blue IEC 2018! Love it!
We were also able to make our own polishes; I pretty much had no idea at all what I wanted to make except I wanted some unusual polishes that I didn't necessarily have in my collection. I found that by far, the easiest part of making the polish is making the colour; the hard part is oohhhhh, all the glitter, flakies, to make it holo or not part! So much selection and just the addition of one thing or another could just turn it in one direction or another!
I had always wanted a cornflower blue; this is the perfect shade I was looking for. Well, in hindsight, I might want it a little dustier, but that is easily done!
The three polishes I made plus the one group polish. I'm not entirely sure if we were suppose to make 3 and the group custom or 2 and the group custom; I was told both by those who were there. But I had the time on my hands as I made my polishes pretty readily and still had enough base in the bottle provided and had been told we could make 3 of our own creations, so went for it!
Can't wait to wear this!
Thank you again to all the makers who were present at the event for your valuable insight and input. It was just a pleasure to listen to everyone talking about their journeys and listening to the tidbits of inside their polish making life that made it truly such an enjoyable session!
For my mani, started with a base of two coats of Regency Blue IEC 2018.
Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.
Stamped with an image from Creative Shop 88 using FunkyFingers Gesso.
Creative Shop 88.
Added a couple accent studs for interest.
Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.
The polish making session was just one of the sessions offered at Indie Expo Canada 2018. A real highlight of the show IMHO; if you have that illusive polish that you have wanted but couldn't find; the makers will help you create it. Or have just the most interesting polish in your head but have never seen it for sale; the makers will help you create it. Or inspired by a great painting or picture that you have seen; the makers will help you create it. Looking for the perfect hue to match bridesmaids dresses or that delicate bridal look and can't find quite the right shade; the makers will help you make it!
I hope to see you there in 2019!
Thanks for looking!