Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Family Day!!

It's Family Day here in Ontario (aka, just an excuse to have a long weekend between New Year's and Easter) I thought I'd introduce my family....

My oldest son is 15, heavily into sports; my daughter is 13 and does dance, her nails and likes to hang around with her BFF's, my youngest son will be 11 in less than a month; he loves video games and swimming; then there's Mr. Rexy and I! Mr. Rexy loves the Leafs and beer and I love to do my nails!

Oh, and our family dog, see him here in this picture....

Here's colours before stamping:

Polishes are all Essie, from ring finger-Lapis of Luxury, Lily Pond, Turquoise and Caicos, Barbuda Banana and Splash of Grenadine. Images Plates were fauxnad D, HB48, HB14, t28, T22 and T46, using Koand black special polish.

I hope you had a fantastic Monday...whether it was President's Day in US, Family Day in some provinces in Canada or just another Monday!

Thanks for looking!


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